Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Bicycle Built for 2

As I type this, gunnar and Jackie are at the Casdorph abode picking up Dan and Eric's tandem for use in the nationals next week. Yes, not only is Dan our SuperNanny, he is also our tandem guru and is loaning us his fancy Cannondale. He is a man of many talents, indeed.
After last year's torture fest, we swore that we would purchase a tandem early in the year, get it set-up to our specs and practice a bit on the durn thing. Well, the race is a week from tomorrow and we haven't set booty on a tandem since our pain-filled debacle last year. (We never got around to buying one). We were hoping to learn from our mistakes, but we've unfortunately forgotten them. I am sure it will all come back to us in due time, though.

The goal for this year is to not sink my teeth into gunnar's backside.


steevo said...

hey gunnar, i have some white shoe covers to match that awful jersey.

gwadzilla said...

good luck at the nationals!

I look forward to the results and the blog posts
unless the post includes images of teeth marks in gunner's butt!